Food Blogging - Food Blog

Food blogging  - food blog

Food blogging represents a complex interweaving of “foodie” or gourmet interest in cooking with those of blog writing and photography. The majority of blogs use pictures taken by the author himself/herself and some of them focus specifically on food photography.

Food blogging  - food blog

Food blogging  - food blog
Further reading

  • B. Kosek, The influence of Instagram on exercise and eating behaviour, 2015.
  • B. N. Lawrance, C, de la Peña, Foodways, 'Foodism,' or 'Foodscapes': Navigating the Local/Global and Food/Culture Divides, Routledge/Taylor Francis, 2012.
  • D. Fried, M. Surdeanu, S. Kobourov, M. Hingle, and D. Bell, Analysing the Language of Food on Social Media, 2015.
  • E. Ochs, C. Pontecorvo, A. Fasulo, Socializing taste, Scandinavian university press, 1996.
  • F. Davolio, R. Sassatelli, Foodies Aesthetics and their Reconciliatory View of Food Politics, Società Editrice il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.
  • I.A. Mandelkern, Does the foodie have a soul, Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 13(2), 2013.
  • J. Johnston, S. Baumann, Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet foodscape, London: Routledge, 2010.
  • K. Ginsberg, Instabranding: Shaping the Personalities of the Top Food Brands on Instagram, Elon Journal of udergraduate research in communication, Vol. 7 No. 05, 2015.
  • M. Andrade, How Instagram Is Transforming Professional Cooking, Wired, 2015 (
  • R. Sassatelli, F. Davolio, Consumption, Pleasure and Politics Slow Food and the politico-aesthetic problematization of food, Journal of consumer culture, Vol 10(2): 1â€"31 1469-5405,2010.
  • R. Scelzi, L. La Fortuna, Social Food: A Semioethic Perspective on Foodism and New Media.
  • S.Abbar, Y.Mejova, I.Weber, You Tweet What You Eat: Studying Food Consumption Through Twitter, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar, 2015.
  • Y. Mejova, S.Abbar H. Haddad, Fetishizing Food in Digital Age: #foodporn Around the World.

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